▲《The Game by Street Fighter UT》印花T恤,全部共12款,參考售價各1680日幣。▲
「The Game by Street Fighter UT」!
曾多次推出各種人氣動漫聯名商品、風靡全球各國的日本平價服飾品牌Uniqlo,這次挑選了日本CAPCOM公司旗下的經典格鬥單機遊戲《街頭霸王》攜手合作,推出名為「The Game by Street Fighter UT」的一系列印花T恤,於4月15日起在日本正式發售。
▲ The Game by Street Fighter UT/隆。▲
▲ The Game by Street Fighter UT/升龍拳。▲
▲ The Game by Street Fighter UT/嘉米。▲
▲ The Game by Street Fighter UT/是空。▲
這套「The Game by Street Fighter UT」印花T恤一共會推出12種款式,尺寸分為XS到4XL等共計8種,T恤上的圖案選自《街頭霸王II》與《街頭霸王V》的多位知名經典角色,並且結合了玩家們耳熟能詳的遊戲元素所設計而成。
▲ The Game by Street Fighter UT/Logo+角色選單(背面)。▲
▲ The Game by Street Fighter UT/Double KO。▲
▲ The Game by Street Fighter UT/達爾錫。▲
▲ The Game by Street Fighter UT/豪鬼。▲
Fight for your honor!
▲ The Game by Street Fighter UT/維加。▲
▲ The Game by Street Fighter UT/蓋爾。▲
▲ The Game by Street Fighter UT/隆+波動拳(背面)。▲
▲ The Game by Street Fighter UT/春麗。▲
▲「SUPER BGAME/STREET FIGHTER II」移動電源,充電時間約3~4小時,預定3月發售。▲
———《Know more》———
[認識 街頭霸王]